List of Captain Simian & the Space Monkeys episodes

This is a list of episodes from Captain Simian & the Space Monkeys, an American animated television series which premiered on September 7, 1996, and ended after 26 episodes on June 21, 1997.

Most of the episodes were aired out of order. The episodes are listed below in the order of intended airing.

Title Director(s) Writer(s) Original airdate Prod
"Yes, We Have No Bananas, Part 1" Bradley Rader Gordon Bressack and Rob Hudnut September 7, 1996 (1996-09-07) 1
During the monkey-manned spaceflights, one of the rockets, with a chimp named Charlie, went off course and into the far reaches of the universe. An advanced race of aliens enhanced Charlie's intelligence and gives him a monkey crew and a ship and names him Captain Charlie Simian. Their mission is to defeat an alien named Nebula, who plans on taking over the universe with a matter called the "Anti-Force". 
"Yes, We Still Have No Bananas, Part 2" Bradley Rader Gordon Bressack and Rob Hudnut September 7, 1996 (1996-09-07) 2
Charlie is determined to destroy the Anti-force that Nebula needs by casting it into the nearest Sun. Unable to make it he instead puts it inside a disco ball and rigs it to blow. When Nebula absorbs the ball, it absorbs all of Nebula's energy and he turns back into his original self and then blows up. Charlie then names the ship the Primate Avenger. 
"Ape-lien" Bradley Rader Pamela Hickey and Dennys McCoy September 14, 1996 (1996-09-14) 3

The crew answers a distress call from the NC-17 galaxy, where they find a derelict ship and split up to search it. Spydor uses his beamatron to pick up a pile of crystals. The crew then returns to their own ship, since they didn't find anyone alive, and also because Splitzy started a core meltdown. On their way out, Spydor uses the beamatron again to pick up an egg (which he thinks is a coconut).

Later, an alien hatches from the egg, attaches itself to Spydor's rear end, then escapes into the vents. The alien spits out radioactive mucus. By the time the crew finds it again, it has grown, and dodges their blasts. Splitzy says that the alien's DNA is changing rapidly, allowing it to change shape quickly; as Gor-illa fights the alien, it absorbs his DNA, reconstructing itself and becoming stronger.

The primates escape via an elevator; the door chops off the alien's hand, which quickly evolves into a duplicate and merges with the original. Splitzy uses Spydor's crystals to create a cage to trap the alien; Spydor lures the alien into the cage, and the primates dump it into space. 
"The Monkey Has Landed" David Schwartz Mark Seidenberg and Gordon Bressack September 14, 1996 (1996-09-14) 4

The ship is warped to a planet in another galaxy, where they are attacked by a missile (labeled "USA") and several unmanned planes. After blowing up the planes, they search the planet further, finding that it looks like Earth but is covered entirely with jungle, and meet an intelligent monkey named Lilith. Lilith identifies herself as the caretaker of the planet, and tells them that an alien race recently visited, got rid of all poverty and pollution, and made all species intelligent. The others all left to explore space, leaving her behind as the chosen caretaker. Captain Simian quickly falls for her, and she takes him to look around.

The rest of the crew continue to search the planet separately. Gor-illa, Spydor, and Splitzy are attacked and captured by living vines. This turns out to be the work of Rhesus 2, who then confronts Captain Simian. Rhesus 2 explains that the planet isn't Earth, but his former homeworld Terrestria; long ago, its human scientists sent him into space, but his pod escaped orbit and was beamed on board by Lord Nebula, who made him intelligent. After their previous encounter, the immortal Nebula brought Rhesus 2 back to life and sent him searching for a substance called Uterium, which would allow Nebula to become a black hole once again. To this end, Rhesus 2 enslaved his homeworld; he attaches some of his brains to the crew, mind-controlling them so that they cannot escape, and adds them to the slave force.

Lilith is said to be working with Rhesus 2, but later frees the crew while he is away on an inspection tour. The crew free the other slaves; Rhesus 2 returns and blasts Lilith (who is revealed as a robot), but is chased off by the former slaves. Before the crew leaves, Splitzy repairs Lilith, allowing her to return to her caretaker role. 
"Gorilla My Dreams" Bradley Rader Martin Olson and Gordon Bressack September 21, 1996 (1996-09-21) 5

The episode opens up with Gor-illa having nightmares about crushing the ship. Shao Lin gives Gor-illa a crystal necklace that she says will help him deal with his dreams. Later Splitzy intercepts a message between Lord Nebula and Rhesus 2, Nebula tells Rhesus 2 to go to a planet named Medusa 4, where he will find a device to produce the anti-force. Captain Charlie Simian quickly gets to the planet. When they get there they are attacked by Rhesus 2 and his drone ships. the Primate Avenger gets damaged so the Space Monkeys hide behind an asteroid shield. Splitzy creates a holographic image of the ship and Rhesus 2's drone ships start attacking it and destroy each other in the process. Rhesus 2 then leaves the asteroid belt. The Monkey's think that he went back to Nebula for reinforcements, so they head to Medusa 4, to get the device for anti-force. The crew then starts searching the planet. Spydor falls down a trench and the rest follow after him. They land in a chamber, there they meet an alien named Grxylpk. Grxylpk takes them to a wall shaped like an ear, and tells them that this is the sacred ear. He adds that some say it was a sleeping giant around which the planet had crystallized. Grxylpk says that the sacred ear keeps the galaxy running and he whispers everything which gets printed from a computer and the ear makes them through his power of the dreams. None of the Monkeys except for Gor-illa believe Grxylpk. Then to prove Grxylpk wrong, Spydor tells the ear to create some bananas, and soon there is a pile of bananas in front of him.

Then Simian says that the entire cave must be programmed to create stuff and thinks that Nebula is after this, and takes over the cave. Right then one of Rhesus 2's brain attacks Simian. Then they start fighting Rhesus and his robots called Ganglias. Rhesus 2 then tells the ear to give him more ganglias and he does. So now the monkeys are outnumbered, so Simian tells the ear to double their fire powers, and the fight continues. After a while each side keeps telling the ear to upgrade their weapons and cause a lot of noise. Then the ground starts shaking and the giant wakes up, so at that point they find that Grxylpk was right, and the galaxy also starts disappearing. Then Splitzy says that the giant's dreams must occupy the same space time as the physical reality of this galaxy. Splitzy then creates a huge sound wave which sounds like a lullaby, and the giant again goes back to sleep and the galaxy gets restored. At the end Spydor beams the bananas he got and when Simian tries to eat them, they disappear as if they weren't real. At the end line Gor-illa says, "This is real right? Or is this a Dream?" 
"Gormongus!" David Schwartz Nick Sagan November 2, 1996 (1996-11-02) 6

The Primate Avenger is attacked by electric beams from an unknown ship. The ship keeps coming in and out of warp, so they can't track it. Later Splitzy finds out that they are scanning the ship for lifeforms with the electric beams. Later the ship beams up and kidnaps Gor and Spydor, and then the ship leaves. At the other ship Gor and Spydor are met by Apax, an alien who has snakes for hair. Apax tells Gor that he's going to make him a champion, and takes Gor and Spydor to an arena, where Gor is forced to fight. Meanwhile back on the Primate Avenger, Splitzy creates a device to capture the ship's warp trace, and then the Monkeys find the trace and head there. Back at the arena, Whenever he's put with a match with someone, Gor convinces them that fighting is wrong and talks them out of the ring. So then Apax tells Spydor that if Gor doesn't fight then he will kill him. So Spydor tells Gor to fight him, but Gor says he doesn't want to. Then Spydor tells Gor to pretend that his opponent eats caterpillars for breakfast, then Gor gets angry and starts fighting his opponent.

The Primate Avenger arrives at the arena, and the Monkeys start looking for Gor and Spydor. Meanwhile, Apax takes Gor to enter an isotope in him, that will make him stronger and have more killer instinct. Before he can continue the Monkeys arrive and tell him to freeze, but Apax's men come and keep the Monkeys busy, while Apax injects the isotope. After the isotope is injected, Gor turns into a huge mostruous form (similarly to Hulk). He attacks anyone that comes in the way, and demolishes the place. Later Spydor sings him a lullaby and he goes to sleep and changes back to normal. Later Simian gets Apax and hands him over to the fighters that Apax forced to fight. Then the Space Monkeys leave. At the end after Dr. Splitz does tests on Gor, he tells him that the isotope has become a part of him. 
"Splitzy's Choice" Bradley Rader Pamela Hickey and Dennys McCoy September 21, 1996 (1996-09-21) 7
The episode opens up with Blethorians chasing the Space Monkeys. After fighting for a few minutes the crew make it to their ship and flee the planet. It is later revealed that Spydor had cheated in a card game, so the aliens got angry and were after them. The ship is damaged while fleeing, and is leaking flux, which holds the ship together. Captain Charlie Simian, Shao Lin, and a Halo Boon go to a planet to get more flux. Spydor, Gor-illa, and Splitzy stay behind on the ship which is starting to come apart. Splitzy uses a device he created to get rid of his split personality, but the machine separates Splitzy and Dr. Splitz into two monkeys. Back on the Planet, a sand monster destroys the Holo Boon, and goes after Simian and Shao Lin, but is shot and retreats. Back on the Ship, Splitzy and Dr. Splitz are arguing, and Gor is angry at Spydor for cheating at card game. But when they see that the ship is coming apart faster, they decide to work together and fix the ship. During this time Splitzy and Dr. Splitz realize that they need their other halves. Back on the planet Captain Simian and Shao Lin get the flux. With the new flux the ship restores and reseals itself. Having realized that they need each other, Dr. Splitz and Splitzy decide to merge back into one monkey and get back in the machine and Dr. Splitz and Splitzy again become one monkey with split personality. 
"Invasion of the Banana Snatchers" David Schwartz Gordon Bressack and Beth Slick November 9, 1996 (1996-11-09) 8
The crew finds giant alien bananas attached to the hull of the ship. The bananas capture Gor-illa, Spydor, and Splitzy and creates clones of them. The clones take over the ship, forcing Shao Lin and Captain Simian to escape. In the end Shao Lin and Simian go to the space station that the bananas came from and free their crew from them. When the crew is freed, their clones evaporate. 
"Repo Ape" Bradley Rader Pamela Hickey and Dennys McCoy October 5, 1996 (1996-10-05) 9

The crew catches a coded message from Nasa, but the Monkeys couldn't translate it because the decoder was destroyed in the second episode. Later Splitzy finds that Charlie's capsule was not destroyed with the planet and made its way to the XJ-12 galaxy. So the crew get ready to go there. When they get into the galaxy the Primate Avenger gets caught in a magnetic anomaly and crashes in a lifeless junkyard. So the crew goes searching the planet for something to fix their ship. Later a couple of robot attack the Monkeys. The Monkeys defeat the robots and later make their way to another robot that tells them that he is Matrix. The Matrix captures the Monkeys to "deconstruct and assimilate", and more robots arrive. Gor-illa gets free and then frees everyone else. However as the Monkeys are making their way to the ship, a robot captures Spydor and Gor.

On the ship Orbitron tells the Monkeys that 1,000 years ago, Matrix was an automated salvage vehicle that deconstructed and assimilated abandoned space vehicles. Later it was also caught in the anomaly and was trapped. Matrix then linked with other alien computers and continued de-constructing and assimilating. However the robot can't distinguish between machine and Monkeys.

Meanwhile Matrix downloads Gor-illa's brain and becomes smarter. While Splitzy works on how to break through the anomaly, Captain Charlie Simian and Shao Lin go to rescue Gor and Spydor. While fighting the robots, Charlie finds the Capsule that he was sent into space with, Charlie gets in and takes over the robot. Meanwhile Matrix continues to download information from Gor and becomes alive. Then Spydor gets Gor angry by telling him that because of his paper cut he's going to need a tetanus shot. Gor gets angry and into his Gormongus like state because he doesn't want a shot. Gor then defeats Matrix. Right then Splitzy creates a magnetic field to cancel the anomaly, and the robots overload. Then the crew makes it back to the ship and they flee. Splitzy tells the Monkeys that Matrix survived and continues to evolve, but it will take his 20 centuries to complete it. Charlie finally finds that the code sent by NASA was course change information. 
"Lawnmower Ape" David Schwartz Alan Swayze and Gordon Bressack November 16, 1996 (1996-11-16) 10
Gor had been having hard time keeping up with the rest of the crew, so Dr. Splitz attempts to repair the cerebrotron to increase Gor's intelligence. When he tests it and it works and Gor's intelligence increases and he becomes smarter than Dr. Splitz. Meanwhile Rhesus 2 complete his new invention, a robot named Lobiathan. Rhesus 2 then attacks a mining colony to get some anti-force for Nebula. The monkeys get a distress call and quickly go there. When they reach the colony Rhesus 2 attacks with his robot. The Monkeys couldn't stop Lobiathan, so they destroy the building that contained the anti-force. Then the Monkeys leave on the ship, but Rhesus 2 shoots a cannon and the ship crash lands. Then Rhesus attacks the ship to get Gor's brain because Gor is now smart and knows how to create anti-force. Shao Lin and Charlie attack Rhesus in a fighter plane, but have no effect on the robot. Later Spydor tries to make Gor transform into Gormungus, so that he can defeat Rhesus 2. However, Gor has gotten too smart to get angry and Spydor's plan fails. Since Rhesus 2 wants Gor's brain because he is smart now, so Gor uses Splitzy's cerebrotron to decrease his intelligence back to how he was before. Then he transforms into Gormongus and destroys Rhesus 2's robot and defeats Rhesus 2. 
"Monkey in the Middle" Bradley Rader Story by: Gordon Bressack
Teleplay by: Marlowe Weisman and Laraine Arkow
November 23, 1996 (1996-11-23) 11
Rhesus 2 steals gravitons from a cosmic storm, which causes a rip in the universe and Charlie goes in it and when he comes back an alien follows him. The alien then tells Charlie that his name is Vog and when the gravitons were stolen his world ripped open and says he must put the gravitons back before the cosmic storm ends to seal the rip and save his universe. With the alien's help the crew gets the gravitons back and saves the universe. 
"The Apes of Wrath" David Schwartz Richard Mueller and Gordon Bressack February 1, 1997 (1997-02-01) 12
Rhesus 2 destroys the holo-boon generator to force the crew to Velasquez 9 for a replacement. Unbeknownst to them, he has modified the replacement to generate a megalomaniacal dictator whose "holo-boon horde" seizes the ship. 
"Plan Ape From Outer Space" Bradley Rader Lynn Mills, Jimmy Huston & Gordon Bressack November 30, 1996 (1996-11-30) 13
To escape from a space creature and nearly out of fuel, the Space Monkeys ride a meteor through a wormhole. On the other side, they discover an inhabited planet and decide to refuel there. However, they also discover that the meteor is about to hit the planet. They try to warn the inhabitants, but the universal translator is broken and the inhabitants think they have been invaded. Despite repeated attempts to communicate, they cannot convince the inhabitants of their peaceful intentions. So, to save the planet pretend to invade and lure all of the missiles coming from the planet, towards the meteor. After the meteor is destroyed, the inhabitants think they have destroyed the ship and averted an alien invasion. 
"Mind Over Monkey" Joe Pearson Martin Olson and Gordon Bressack February 8, 1997 (1997-02-08) 14
"Monkey Puzzle Man" Joe Pearson Pamela Hickey and Dennys McCoy January 25, 1997 (1997-01-25) 15
"Planet of the Humans" Bradley Rader D.C. Fontana February 15, 1997 (1997-02-15) 16
"Felonious Monks" David Schwartz Christy Marx March 1, 1997 (1997-03-01) 17
Primate Avenger's crew is kidnapped by Apax, and only one Space Monkey can now free them all: Shao Lin (with Orbitron's "help"). 
"Little House on the Primate" Bradley Rader Laraine Arkow and Marlowe Weisman February 22, 1997 (1997-02-22) 18
"The Maltese Monkey" David Schwartz Pamela Hickey, Dennys McCoy & Gordon Bressack April 19, 1997 (1997-04-19) 19
"Rhesus Pieces" John Fox Gordon Bressack and D.C. Fontana May 3, 1997 (1997-05-03) 20

A powerful being calling himself the Glyph offers Simian the chance of destroying Nebula. The plan is to lure Rhesus 2 into a trap and get him to lead them to his master. But the crew soon discovers that their new ally has an agenda of his own.

Guest-voice-star David Warner 
"Escape From the Plant of the Apes" Bradley Rader Laraine Arkow and Marlowe Weisman April 26, 1997 (1997-04-26) 21

The Primate Avenger comes across a spacecraft containing a huge forest of trees and plants. The roots of the trees suddenly come to life and drag the Avenger on board. The forest is dying and requires a gardener to maintain it. The nature-loving Gor-illa would be ideal for the post and when his companions try to interfere their lives are put in jeopardy. To add to their problems, Splitzy unintentionally switches the minds of Simian and Shao Lin, resulting in them occupying each other's body.

The theme of a forest, a planet's last surviving natural resource, drifting through space in a satellite-like craft, is similar to the movie Silent Running, starring Bruce Dern
"A Clockwork Orang" David Schwartz Gordon Bressack and Rob Hudnut May 10, 1997 (1997-05-10) 22
"Surf Monkeys Must Dive!" Bradley Rader Laraine Arkow and Marlowe Weisman May 17, 1997 (1997-05-17) 23
"The Mandrill Who Knew Too Much, Part 1" John Fox and Joe Pearson Gordon Bressack June 7, 1997 (1997-06-07) 24
"Ape-pocalypse Now!, Part 2" David Schwartz and Joe Pearson Gordon Bressack June 14, 1997 (1997-06-14) 25
"Ape-pocalypse... A Little Later!, Part 3" Bradley Rader Gordon Bressack June 21, 1997 (1997-06-21) 26
